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Hot keywords: Piperazine Anhydrous 、 N-Methylpiperazine 、 N-Ethylpiperazine 、 N-(2-Hydroxyethyl)piperazine 、 Triethylene Diamine
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Triethylene diamine was put into production
Time: 2017-07-12

Now my company triethylene diamine products have been officially put into production, the current monthly supply of more than 200 tons, the annual output value of 3,000 tons, reasonable price, quality assurance, if you need friends can contact directly.

Contact us

Trista Luo (Export Manager) +86-575-82728137 13858441040
Email: sales@xingxinchem.com

Gabriel Wang  +86-575-82728137 18067661926 


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